Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Update on Me & TDF Results

I had to have my appendix removed via emergency surgery on July 13th. I wasn't feeling good when I went to bed, woke up in the morning and was quite sick to my stomach so I called in to work. Now that worried my husband because I NEVER call in sick. Well I explained the pain between 'trying to sleep it off' and he diagnosed the problem immediately, having had his appendix removed in 7th grade. Well off to the Dr. I went at noon, she sent me right to the ER, and by 4pm I was in a GREAT deal of pain and on the operating table. Soooo the last few weeks have been mildly slow as I try and recoup. Mostly I was just tired after the first day or two and I'm pretty much back to full health now.

As for the Tour De Fleece, the surgery put a slight cramp in my overly ambitious plans. I did however finish the following:

9 Scrappy Batts approx 3oz each ~ 24oz. total

10 Yarns ~ 28oz. Total
Singles - Left Mystery roving ball, Right Trade Art Batt from Hobbledehoy (Liz.)

Singles - Roving balls from CJ Kopec Creations (Coby.)

Singles - From my own batts, Red/Blk/White twin to Liz's trade batt, Green twin to the batt I traded a fellow "Michigan Knitter," Vicky, for our new kitty Dukers, and a scrappy batt

Corespun - From my own batts, left plied with metallic cord, right with add-in flip-flops!

2lbs of dyed top, 1lb Polworth and 1lb BFL.

Overall 'FIBER' activity for the tour approx 5.25lbs! No too bad considering I was out of the race only a few days in. How did you do with your Tour Spinning goals?!

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Private Lessons

If you are local to the Muskegon, MI area and in need of Spinning, Weaving, Felting, or Drum Carding instruction I would be more than happy to help!

Private lessons are $30 per hour, with a 2 hour minimum (Can be split into 2 sessions if you prefer.) Email me to work out the details, JBenedictScott@aol.com

I specialize in spinning Bulky Singles, 2-plies, Navajo/Chain Plied, and Corespun yarns. I also can share my knowledge on needle felting, wet felting, nuno felting or weaving with a rigid heddle loom. My main area of expertise however is in fiber blending and drum carding. Please visit my etsy shop for examples of my work.

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